Tips and Tricks: Working from Home During the Coronavirus

The B Floral team group chat is still alive and active! Every day we jump on Teams, as we always would, and greet each other — usually with a gif for two! Last week we moved our weekly events team meeting to an online video chat in order to reconnect and brainstorm how we’ll prevail once the worst of the Coronavirus Pandemic has passed.
Our team is not used to being home during working hours. As an events company, we’re used to being out and about in the city — interacting with our clients, vendors, and venues. We are used to coordinating several events a day with our team bouncing around all of Manhattan and the tri-state area.
B Floral, along with the rest of the nation — and the globe — is adjusting to this a reality during this unprecedented time. The COVID-19 Coronavirus has affected millions of people’s lives. Despite the worry and the unknown, we are aiming to stay positive and resilient during this time. Along with most of the workforce, we have moved all of our business ‘online’ and are working from home for the near future. As a team, we wanted to bring to you some tips and tricks that we have found helpful in our last week and a half ‘working from home’.
Being Productive at Home During the Coronavirus
It’s been a little bit tough to get into the workflow in the mornings, something small that I found helps me is getting up in the morning when my alarm goes off, making my bed and changing out of my pajamas! Sounds silly — but it’s easy, and sometimes fun — to lay in bed all day in comfy clothes, but it doesn’t always stimulate the productivity that we need to get things done during the day! — Maggie O’Brien
Make sure your space is pleasant, clean and tidy! Burn a candle or crack a window for some fresh air. If music isn’t a distraction, turn on some tunes. For me, it’s so much easier to be productive when I’m doing it from a friendly space! — Melissa Garcia
I tend to get blissfully lost in a project, or have multiple projects working at once, and forget to eat. So, it’s helpful to set specific meal times for myself and stick to them! Also, speaking of meals: it’s a great time to try a big complex recipe that will keep your fridge full for a while. I find cooking to be very calming. — Michael DiPietro
I try to keep the routine I had before WFH started. That means getting up early (not as early, because there is no commute!), getting ready, and getting ‘dressed’ for work. Even if it’s just changing into a different pair of sweats and a t-shirt some days, this helps remind me that there is work to do. I try to have lunch around the same time I did at the office, and if I start to feel stiff or achy I walk around my house a bit to loosen up. It helps to also keep up communication with the team, which keeps me on track and pick up any work that needs to be done. — Charrise De Los Santos
Time passes differently in WFH world. Create a schedule for your day that designates a specific project to each hour. This will also save you from being distracted from the house or personal projects that pop up! Also, keep your TV and phone habits the same as you would at work. If you’re having a hard time, put your phone in a drawer. — Leha Edwards
Keep a routine. Every day I wake up to my alarm, shower, make my coffee and “travel” to my office… I mean living room. It is also important to set an end time to your workday and when that time hits, close your computer and walk away. It is important to create divisions in your day to ensure you are still giving yourself a chance to relax and enjoy non-work related activities. — Jennifer Broder
Staying Calm During the Coronavirus
In a time of so much uncertainty, I’ve found it to be so important to avoid reading the news or scrolling through social media for a bit each day in order to remain calm and stay positive. Some of my favorite ways to do this are: taking an hour every day to go on a run or long walk, working on a puzzle, and reading (I’m finally on The Woman in the Window bandwagon and loving it!) — Olivia Tedesco
When it is sunny I open the windows and blinds and let the sunshine on me. I also work on adding things to my gratitude list because I have a lot to be grateful and it is always helpful to remind myself of that when I get a little crazy. — Jess Cusick
I don’t watch tv and allow myself 30 minutes to read up on the news of the day. I am trying to block it all out to be productive while also being informed! — Gabrielle Cucinotta
Sophie, my dog, has been a big help. It's sweet how innocent pets are, they have no idea what’s going on and are just chilling like they always do - I think it’s important for us to stay informed; but her sweet, calm, oblivious energy is oddly reassuring during the day. — Maggie O’Brien
I’ve taken the time to sit outside and work from the balcony. If you have access to a safe outdoor space at this it’s calming and peaceful to be out in the fresh air — and it’s also nice to have the chance to wave to your neighbors! — Melissa Garcia
There’s no better time to get started on my “to read” pile that’s been sitting in my room! I like science fiction and fantasy novels the best, but I have a few other genres mixed in. Book Recommendations: Red Rising Series (SciFi), All The Light We Cannot See (Historic), Station Eleven or MaddAddam series (end-of-the-world). I also like to paint my nails. Luckily I have a decent stockpile of nail polish to keep me busy. It helps with my creativity and it helps me to relax. Focusing on one thing for an hour or two helps me to take my mind off other things and focus on what’s in front of me. Usually while doing my nails I’d be watching some Let’s Plays or listening to some podcasts. For podcasts, I listen to audio dramas. If it’s funny, takes place in space, or has some sort of conspiracy I’m on board! (Wolf 359, arsParadoxica, FaceJam, The Magnus Archives, King Falls AM) — Charrise De Los Santos
Staying Connected During the Coronavirus
It’s so important to check in with friends and family as we are all practicing social distancing. I find myself Facetiming or calling a couple of people a day to just catch up, share a laugh, and remind each other that we’re all in this together. — Olivia Tedesco
I let my daughters Video Chat with their friends at school because it is a hard adjustment for them to not be able to see their friends. We also video chat with relatives as much as possible! It feels good to see everyone's smiling faces during these times of distance. — Jess Cusick
The B Floral fam has been connecting using Teams and it keeps me smiling and laughing throughout our workdays. After work, I’ve been Facetiming with friends ad fam. Our cat and dog have had a few Facetimes as well! You’d be surprised how connected one can stay via cat pics. . . .many, many cat pics. — Melissa Garcia
Don’t underestimate the power of a video call. I was never a fan of these, but over the past few days I have embraced video meetings and they brighten my day. People are at the most vulnerable right now and it is a great time to connect with and learn more about your coworkers. Also – PICK UP THE PHONE. As a society, we’ve gotten so used to replacing phone calls with Instagram and text messages. I had an hour catch up session with a friend last night and it was so refreshing! — Jennifer Broder
I have been staying connected to friends and family members on a daily basis. I call my parents, cousins, aunts, and uncles almost daily (even though sometimes I think they’re tired of me checking on them). My best friends and I have a group text going where we are constantly checking in with one another to make sure we are all safe, have a way to vent our frustrations, share articles and news and to make ourselves laugh. Laughter is still the best medicine! — Eliza Beers
Texting friends is too common/everyday and won’t fill that little hole in your heart. Ask to video chat with a coworker rather than email back and forth. Call your best friend during lunch. You finally have time to catch up with grandma – so do it!! And if talking on the phone gives you anxiety, it’s okay to say that. — Leha Edwards
Sharing a Small Space During the Coronavirus
I have my work area set up in my dining room, which is in the middle of my house so that I can still see what is going on but a little bit off the beaten path so that I can have quiet time. — Jess Cusick
I’ve set up my ‘workspace’ at my kitchen table and my fiancé has a desk in our bedroom. It’s good for us to stay separated so we’re not on top of each other during the workday! I also have put a sheepskin on our kitchen chair because it mimics the one I have back at our office and it feels really familiar! — Claudia Kiss
Be prepared for compromise. I also find it really fun to blame annoyances on imaginary coworkers. It’s not my sister leaving dirty dishes out. It’s that Susan from accounting again. — Leha Edwards
Communication is key! If you have to work in the same room, don’t be afraid to vocalize your needs. If you need some privacy to take a call, ask the other person to kindly move to the bedroom temporarily. — Jennifer Broder
Brightening your Space During Coronavirus
I’m using my dining room table as my current workspace, so there’s a lot of natural light and I’m keeping music going constantly. My record player is right here and it’s helping me reconnect with my record collection – or, I stream music on a portable speaker. I also try to go outside for a few minutes each day, even if it’s just to sit on the stoop and get some fresh air. — Michael DiPietro
We are fish sitting the school pet "blueberry" a beta fish from Makayla's school so it’s nice to have some added life around us! — Jess Cusick
To keep my husband and I fueled and focused as we work from the apartment, I’ve put out a little bowl of peppermints & lozenges and have been keeping our coffee-pot on warm throughout the day. — Melissa Garcia
Keep your space tidy. Clean up the dishes from breakfast and lunch and when your work day is over, pack up your laptop and notebook. This will allow your work space to go back to your home space. — Jennifer Broder
Keeping a Calm Mind, Body and Soul During the Coronavirus
We are doing Cosmic Kids Yoga every night! — Jess Cusick
Something that has helped me stay calm is walking my dog during the day. The weather hasn’t been so bad and the fresh air helps me reset and get out of the house while still social distancing! — Maggie O’Brien
Take time to handle some of those tasks you’ve been putting off – through the workday with something like getting organized or whether it’s after work and you decide to reorganize that closet! — Melissa Garcia
I locked myself at home to avoid getting or spreading COVID-19 and completely abandoned any past indoor [and outdoor] exercise routines because I live in close quarters with a roommate. Needless to say, cabin fever set in very quickly. After rationalizing, I conjured up the courage to use my underutilized roof – weather permitting – as a workout site. Starting my day with a 30-minute HIIT routine and a yoga mat for a 10-minute wind-down session has helped with establishing a routine, getting my blood flowing, and showing me my options. If staying still is difficult for you [as it is for me], you can also lie flat on your mat and workout the daily crossword! — Lola Jacobs
This is more long-term, but try to keep up the same sleep schedule. Not having a commute allows one to stay up later and sleep in, but your body will get used to it and you’ll have a harder time getting back into the swing of things when we all resume work in the office. — Leha Edwards
I have bought so many puzzles - whenever I feel like I lose focus or can’t get my mind back into my work, I allow myself 15 minutes to my puzzle corner! — Gabrielle Cucinotta