Five Easy Gardening Tips for Beginners

Five Easy Gardening Tips for Beginners

Are you new to gardening and want to learn more? As a company full of floral designers and green thumbs, we are constantly trading gardening secrets! But, we also know that starting a garden - or even just a plant collection - can seem daunting if you’re new to it! While most of our employees have wonderful plant and succulent collections, only a few of us are lucky enough to have gardens and yards. So, we chatted with our in-house garden expert and Director of Design, Jess Cusick, to gather some simple tips for any amateur gardener!

Tip 1: Water Early in the Morning or Later in the Evening.

Freshly watered plants will often retain water droplets on leaves and petals which might burn the plants and blooms while in direct sunlight. Consider watering at night so the roots of the plants have a chance to absorb all the nutrients from the water while avoiding direct sunlight.

Tip 2: Keep Your Plants Distanced

Keep your plants at a safe distance from one another to avoid overcrowding. Follow spacing directions provided by the nursery or grower to give your plants the optimal space to thrive.

“One of the most often made mistakes that I see made are plants that are not properly spaced. A gardener needs to allow the appropriate amount of space to each individual plant in order for it to thrive.”

- Jess Cusick, B Floral Director of Design


Tip 3: Remove Dead Flower Heads and Leaves

Extend the blooming season of your flowering plants by removing dead blooms. Removing dead blooms and leaves allows your plant to redirect energy to the roots of the plant which will continue to keep it healthy and flourishing. Once you remove the dead flower heads from your plants, check back in a few weeks to see the difference!

Tip 4: Weed – And Do it Often!

Maintain a healthy garden by wedding often. When weeding, it’s important to make sure you extract as much of the root as possible to avoid regrowth. Try pulling your weed from the base, as close to the ground as possible. This will help you gain leverage when pulling the weed out of the ground.

“I find it very helpful to give my gardens a really good weeding at the beginning of the season and then continue to maintain my weed-free garden by doing weekly light weedings.”

- Jess Cusick, B Floral Director of Design

Tip 5: Fill in Your Space with Annuals

An annual plant completes a full life cycle within one growing season. Annuals great plants to use for color and vibrancy and often have longer blooming periods than perennials. If you’re looking for a pop of color, explore different annual options. Just let the nursery or grower know your color preference and they can steer you in the right direction!

Whether you’re cleaning up your yard for an at-home gathering, or are thinking seriously about gardening, there are many resources and guides available to get you going! Start with these easy tips to jump-start your garden and start building on your knowledge. If you’re looking for professional help to design an outdoor event this summer, reach out to us! From intimate weddings to birthday bashes, our designers at B Floral can help bring your vision to life.