How to Plan a Successful Product Launch Event

Creating a fantastic product is a great accomplishment, and one of the best ways to ensure everyone else can appreciate the uniqueness of your product is by hosting a launch event. Hosting launch events offers multiple benefits for your business and helps attendees and the press get excited about future products from your company.

However, knowing where to start planning a product launch event can be challenging, especially if it's your first time planning one or you want to make this one truly spectacular. Luckily, our tips and tricks can help you know how to plan an effective product launch and make your next event a success.

Choose a Theme

The first step for building a product launch plan is to choose an event theme that ties everything together, from the décor to the entertainment. The best launch party themes will create a cohesive message and provide a memorable guest experience.

Here are a few tips for choosing the appropriate product launch event theme.

1. Consider the Goal of the Event

Your product launch party can serve many purposes — it can dazzle your guests with an immersive experience or create space for education and discussion. Your launch event may center on the product itself or promote your overall brand personality. When choosing a theme, consider the event's primary goal and the impression you want your guests to take away.

2. Keep Your Audience in Mind 

Your event audience will determine the most effective message and the best way to disseminate it. Will your guests be distinguished investors, industry influencers, loyal customers, or press and media staff? 

The age of your launch party guests should also influence your event theme — younger guests will enjoy playful and creative themes, while older guests may prefer a more reserved and sophisticated event. If you are targeting a younger demographic, your event theme may also incorporate extra social media elements and photo opportunities.

A launch event is about promoting your product, and the people in attendance will determine if your event is a success. One of the best ways to ensure your audience remains engaged is to create a personalized experience. This process may involve learning about what events attendees have been to previously, what they enjoyed about each event and any pain points they may have experienced.

To further craft a personalized experience, you'll want to consider the first impression. This element is vital, and you will want to visualize what your guests will see, hear, and taste from the initial hello to the time they leave. As a result, you may want to spend some extra time making the entrance and exit look spectacular or ensuring that every element of your event remains on theme for a seamless experience.

3. Make the Theme Inspirational

Your new product is exciting, innovative, and unique — and your event theme should be, too. An unimaginative event theme will leave your guests wanting more and will not build excitement around your new product. When you immerse your guests in an inspirational theme, they will engage with your brand and get excited to try your new product for themselves.

4. Make the Theme Relevant

Even the most exciting event themes can still miss the mark if they do not make sense for your product and industry. Choose a motif that is relevant to your industry, such as a pool party to launch a tropical juice brand or a garden party for a new line of summer dresses. If your company is launching a software product, consider a modern and futuristic theme.

When you create a launch party theme that is cohesive, relevant, and inspirational, it will leave a lasting impression on your guests and get your new product recognized.

Choose a Venue

Once you have chosen the right event theme, it's time to find the perfect venue. Use these tips for picking a launch event venue that will impress your guests.

1. Match Your Theme and Brand

First, your event venue should match your launch party's theme and brand personality. If your company is youthful and fun, your venue can be unique and exciting. If luxury and class are the foundation of your brand, your event location should be sophisticated and elegant.

Here are a few event venue styles to complement your brand and launch party theme.

  • Modern: Sleek and bright event spaces are perfect for launching innovative products and new technology. Consider hosting your product launch event at a modern studio, restaurant, or hotel.

  • Creative: Unique designer spaces like cocktail bars, art galleries, or boutiques will generate buzz and express the creativity of your brand.

  • Luxury: When launching a luxury product, choose a prestigious and elegant event venue that evokes class and style.

  • Historic: If your brand has a long company legacy, highlight this storied past by hosting your product launch in a historic museum, town hall or library.

  • Outdoors: A creative outdoor venue like a public garden, courtyard, or park can attract large crowds while providing space for live performances and product demonstrations.

When you find the perfect launch party venue, it will elevate the event's overall feel.

2. Keep It Simple

Your event venue should be exciting and unique, without outshining your product. If your guests are mesmerized by your venue's vaulted ceilings and striking architecture, it may distract their attention from the main attraction — your new product.

Choose a location that allows you to highlight your product through creative displays, décor, and lighting. Your venue should provide a blank canvas for you to craft an experience around your product. Venues with empty walls and spacious rooms make it easy to brand the event and make it entirely yours. You can install large displays, add temporary wall graphics, and set up eye-catching features that keep your product at the center of attention.

3. Choose a Convenient Location

Look for a centrally located venue that is easy to access. If you have a loyal local client base, choose an event venue that is close to your physical business or near where most of your customers live. When your guests do not have to travel far for your event, you will earn higher guest attendance.

Your guests should also be able to easily find your location. The best event venues will have plenty of on-site parking and be convenient to public transportation. Easy access to the event location also makes it easier for you to set up and tear down the event. A venue with large doorways, ramps, and loading bays allows you and your team to transfer AV equipment, displays, floral arrangements, props, and more into the venue more efficiently.

4. Keep Capacity in Mind

Capacity is another crucial consideration when choosing a venue for your product launch event. Your venue should be large enough to comfortably accommodate your guests, but small enough that each room appears full. Nothing kills excitement more quickly than entering a party that looks empty. When comparing potential locations for your event, remember to ask for the maximum capacity of each venue.

5. Hire a Venue Scout

The perfect launch event location will reflect the party's theme of your party and fit just the right number of guests. However, finding an event venue that checks all these boxes can be challenging — that's where a venue scout comes in.

An event venue scout will do the legwork for you to help you choose an outstanding venue for your product launch. B Floral offers venue scouting services to eliminate the hassle of finding a great venue for your event. Tell us what you are looking for, and we will find it in no time! 

Build Hype Around Your Product and Event

Generating buzz around your product before the launch is essential. When you build hype online, customers will be excited to test your new offering and eager to place their order.

You can create conversation around your product by highlighting its cutting-edge features, or by keeping everything under wraps. If you choose to reveal your product in advance, make sure your marketing clearly explains how it works and its unique features. If you decide to keep your product a secret, drop small hints on social media to keep your audience engaged and on the edge of their seat awaiting the launch.

Use these effective techniques to build anticipation for your product release and launch party.

1. Make a Hashtag

Create a unique and catchy hashtag to promote your product launch and raise awareness of your product. Use this hashtag when you post on sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. When you share photos following the event, use your launch hashtag to keep customers interested and boost your post-launch sales.

To generate even more buzz around your product, you can use your branded hashtag in a giveaway or contest. Encourage customers to create posts using your hashtag for a chance to win your product or receive a free ticket to your launch event. Contests and giveaways never fail to earn attention and get people excited.

2. Create Engaging Videos 


Videos are a great way to engage with customers on social media to build hype before your event. Here are a few ways you can incorporate videos into your product launch strategy.

  • Product demonstrations: Use short videos to demonstrate your product's best features and show it in action. Product demonstration videos help customers visualize how they can use your product to make their life better.

  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Shoot videos that give a behind-the-scenes look at the development or testing of your product. You will make customers intrigued by the development process and excited to see the final product.

  • Sneak peek videos: If you want to keep your product a secret before the launch, use sneak peek videos to reveal small details about it. Buzz will build around your product as customers try to guess what you are about to release.

When creating videos to promote your product launch, make sure your content is entertaining and shareable. When you give your customers something to talk about, they will share your videos with their friends, and the word-of-mouth publicity will continue to grow.

3. Create a Launch Countdown

Creating a launch countdown is another tried-and-true method for building excitement around a product launch. Post your launch countdown on your company website and social media platforms. When customers visit your page, they'll see reminders about the upcoming release.

When you successfully build social media hype for your product launch, you can keep this energy rolling after the launch event. Post your favorite photos from the event and repost pictures from your guests. 

4. Partner With an Expert or Influencer

One of the fastest ways to build social capital or buzz around your product is by partnering with an expert or influencer. Working with an expert adds a layer of trust to your product that would otherwise take years to build. Likewise, working with an influencer gives you a seal of approval their direct and mutual followers will accept.

Have the expert or influencer talk about your product on their respective channels to generate interest. You can also invite the expert or influencer to your launch party and ask them to speak about their experience with your product.

Emphasize Production

When the day of your launch party finally arrives, event production makes or breaks the event. Event production brings all the small and large elements together to create a memorable and impactful product launch party. With excellent event production, your launch party will live up to its hype and successfully sell your new product.

One way you can ensure your production provides the most benefit is to tell a story about your product. Give your event a specific theme based on the product or as a reference to an element in the story you wish to tell. For example, if your product is for children, you can make your launch event a play paradise that children and the inner child of the adults present will enjoy.

Event production encompasses a wide range of elements, from the decorations to the activities. Here are a few of the most vital features of event production that can make your event shine.

1. Lighting 

Lighting is a powerful tool to set the mood and support your event theme. You can create a fun environment with colorful string lights and other creative lighting fixtures, or stick to a more traditional feel with candles or chandeliers. Use lights to draw attention to product displays, brand your space, or direct guests around your venue.

When designing lighting for your event, plan for photo opportunities and displays. Make sure natural light sources do not cause glare on photo walls or distort any electronic displays for product demonstrations or activities.

2. Décor

Décor is another essential element of a memorable product launch event. Event décor creates a cohesive theme and expresses your brand in every detail of your party. Décor encompasses various elements that contribute to your guests’ experiences at your launch party.

  • Podiums: If your event has speakers or presenters, podiums are a must. Instead of settling for bland podiums, rent unique lecterns, or decorate them with floral arrangements or eye-catching graphics.

  • Furniture: Renting furniture for your product launch allows you to incorporate comfortable couches, trendy high boys, classy dining tables, or any other furniture that suits your launch event. You can create intimate seating areas to stimulate conversation or encourage guests to mingle with an open floor plan.

  • Stage: If your venue does not provide a stage, consider renting one for your product launch. In addition to improving the visibility of speakers and presenters, you can also use creative stage design to captivate your audience's attention.

  • Backdrops: Cover blank walls with floral displays, balloon features, curtains, and other unique elements. Backdrops can quickly transform a plain space into an Instagram-worthy photo opportunity.

  • Table décor: If guests will be sitting down to enjoy a meal or listen to a speaker, design exciting table decorations that capture the event theme. You can also include branded party favors at each seat so guests have something to take home with them.

B Floral can help you create the most memorable product launch experience with our event décor services. We can handle all of your event décor needs, from furniture rentals to photo booths and flowers. When you choose B Floral for your launch event design planning, we can help take your event to the next level.

3. Music

Once you have perfected the visual elements of your event décor, it's time to think about sound. Whether you choose to play background music, have a DJ, or hire a live band, music sets the tone for your product launch event. Upbeat music will keep your guests energized and excited, while slower music may help them focus during presentations or speakers.

4. Entertainment

The entertainment at your product launch should inform guests about your product while providing a fun experience. You may choose to host workshops, demonstrations, or lectures on exciting topics in your industry or surrounding your product. If you are launching a more playful product, you may include games, comedy, or fun competitions as part of your event entertainment.

You should also incorporate entertainment elements that let customers interact with your new product directly. Interactive brand activations for product launches allow customers to experience your new product in a hands-on and engaging way. When you create an experiential event, your guests are more likely to fall in love with your new product and stay loyal to your brand.

5. Displays 


Your new product launch event ideas should include features and displays that will get people excited about your latest creation. For edible products, your customers should be able to taste the food or drink. Allow guests to touch or interact with products like cars or equipment. Branded product displays allow your product to take center stage and truly shine.

6. Photo Opportunities

If you want your product launch event to have a truly lasting impact, photos are a great way to keep your event fresh in your guests' minds. Inspire guests to take pictures at your launch event by crafting irresistible photo opportunities with photo walls, art installations, window displays, and other Instagrammable decorations. When guests take photos they can't wait to share online, you will enjoy free advertising for your product and brand. 

Follow up With Your Attendees 

A successful product launch event finishes with a post-event follow-up. When you complete your launch event, the following days are a unique window to continue building buzz around your new product. There are four benefits of following up with your attendees.

  1. It creates a positive impression: When you ask your attendees what they thought of your event and new product, it keeps a positive image of your product in the minds of your potential customers. 

  2. It allows you to gather feedback: Following up on your product launch can give you critical information on how to improve your future products and events.

  3. It provides an opportunity to convert more leads: Doing a follow-up after the event maximizes your new product's success because it builds momentum and provides an opportunity to generate more sales. It's also a great way to start post-launch promotions. 

  4. It may provide you with early customer success stories: By following up with an attendee, you may receive testimonials early on to use in your marketing initiatives going forward. 

You can capitalize on these opportunities through various strategies. These include social media posts, offering special deals, and keeping in touch with attendees. 

Reach Your Audience Through Social Media 

After the event, spend the next few days sharing posts about your new product on social media to remind attendees of their positive experiences and allow others to understand what the product is about. Don't forget to use your event hashtag on every post.

Keep in Touch With Attendees 

Make attendees feel special even after your product launch event has finished by gathering feedback from them and asking them if they have any questions. By doing so, you can plan your next product launch more mindfully. Now is also an excellent opportunity to encourage them to share any images they have of the event on social media. You can also remind them about any time-limited offers you have. 

The best ways to follow up with attendees include emailing them, arranging a call, or sending a letter. Additionally, you could ask them to fill in a survey or interview them. 

Offer Incentives 

A great way to improve sales for your new product is by creating a special add-on or trial for your product as part of a time-limited offer. Consider making a higher-value deal exclusive to event attendees only. The aim here is to keep people talking about your product for weeks to come and help you engage new customers. 

With these strategies in mind, you should record your attendees' contact information and follow up with them after the event. Keep them a part of your new product's journey and remind your attendees that they have a unique affiliation with your brand. Propose plans to collaborate and build a rapport between them and your product. 

When you start by asking them for feedback, suggestions, and referrals, you show them that you care about their thoughts and opinions. Ultimately, this tactic will help them trust you and your new product. Following up with them will be just as valuable to you. That's because you get to adjust the next step of your larger marketing plan according to these insights and turn them into actionable tasks for your sales team. 

You can also gather feedback from your channel partners, sales partners, and product launch team. They may also provide valuable information that can help you improve your approach and generate better sales in the future. 

Hire an Event Production Company

If you want to put on the very best product launch party in New York City, consider partnering with an event production company like B Floral. We can handle all aspects of your product launch event design and production, from creating attention-grabbing event installations to renting unique furniture. Our talented staff can even help you create a product launch strategy and guide you through every step of the event planning process to ensure your launch event is a success. Explore our services online, or contact B Floral to get started with product launch event planning in New York City today.